Magus Imperialis Magicus

Welcome to the home of MIM! If you are interested in joining MIM you will first need to register. After registration you will be able to reach the application form on the main page.

Dragons of Norrath

DoN Approaches

Today's EQ Patch

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It was a pretty big one [insert that's what she said joke here]. We dodged the Veteran AA nerf bullet, which was good. A couple upgrades, a couple nerfs. Here's the juicy bits:

That's what she said:
*** AA ***
- All - Refunded Identify as this ability is redundant now that item descriptions are displayed when inspecting items at level 50+.
- Multiple - Renamed the non-pet class ability 'Pet Discipline' to 'Companion's Discipline' to be in line with the naming used for pet classes.
- Bard - Granted the ability to use Double Riposte as Bards were the only class with the skill that did not have access to this ability. [I havent looked to see what level Bards get this yet -Loze]
- Bard - Refunded all ranks of Tune of Pursuance and increased the base tracking skill cap for Bards for levels 65 and 96-100+.
- Druid - Refunded all ranks of Advanced Tracking and increased the base tracking skill cap for Druids for levels 65+.
- Ranger - Refunded all ranks of Tracking Mastery and increased the base tracking skill cap for Rangers for levels 66-70+.

*** Miscellaneous ***
- You can no longer block, parry, dodge, or riposte an attack that would have missed.
- Made multiple adjustments to Tribute and Guild Tribute:

*** UI ***
- Made improvements to taunt messages:
- - Taunt messages are sent to all players in the area, and include the name of the NPC being taunted.
- - Added a new chat filter for taunt messages.
- - Failing to capture your target's attention is more clearly indicated as a partial success.
- - Added a message when a player obtains aggro using an aggro lock ability (Ex: Undivided Attention).
- - Taunt spells are no longer blocked by spells locking an NPC's aggro.
- - Sends a single message to players in the area when someone uses an area effect taunt (Ex: Area Taunt).
The biggest nerf that effects us is placing the check for block, parry, dodge, and riposte AFTER the check to see if a mob's attack was a success. They claimed that it would be slightly easier on the servers to do those checks after a successful attack by a mob instead of after every attempted attack. This should really only effect the tanks, but we Shadowknights rely on procs and this will drop the number of chances we have to proc a lifetap. How bad is this nerf? People are screaming about it on the forums, but I'll have to see what the parses say. The nerf to the Bard AA Vainglorious Shout is probably the worst, but we won't have to deal with that for a while. Sounds like they may re-think the fading memories nerf though, which is good.

Check out the full length [That's what she said] patch notes here.

Fall Fun Bonuses, Etcetera

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From the EverQuest website:

Fall has come early to Norrath this year, which means it's time for the first round of this year's Fall Fun bonuses!
From now, until Monday, September 23, 2019, at 11:59 PM PT, ALL players will receive Double Rare Spawns and Double Faction bonuses during their adventures across Norrath!
Be sure to make haste! These bonuses will disappear to when the next round of Fall Fun arrives on September 24!
Fall has come early, or WoW Classic has hurt more than anticipated? Either way, we benefit! Bring on the bonus XP!

The Music of EverQuest Streams...

Community Manager, dreamweaver posted this:

Time to listen to those sweet, sweet tunes on your favorite music service! Here are a few of them below! More will be added so keep an eye on this post.

Google Play Store
Amazon Music
Apple Music

and more to come!

Gates of Discord!

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Who's ready for cool raid mechanics, a serious lack of vowels with tons of glottal stops, and really expensive armor? ME! Anything to be done with LDoN! (I hope Lynxal doesn't read the front page)

Also, be aware that we resume our 3 days a week raid schedule next week with the launch of GoD on Coirnav. We should see a rise in server population as so many players show back up like refugees crawling out of a bomb shelter, bedraggled and asking if the nightmare is over.


Almost, my friends. Almost.


Summer Spectacular! (Yeah, I Stole Their Headline)

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Summer is here, the days are long, and that means it's time to celebrate. Start your July off right with in-game bonuses, member gifts, and deals! Everything begins July 1, 2019:

  • Bonus Rewards!
    • All XP, faction, and rare drop rewards will be increased by 76%.
  • Member Gifts!
    • Log in to claim your two timely and celebratory familiars: the Metamorph Totem: Murikaglider and the Metamorph Totem: Cernerder'Eh Murkglider. Look for these in your reward window once you log in. Members only.
  • Heritage Crates Return!
    • Make sure you check out the Marketplace, because the spectacular is a special opportunity to catch up on any of the Heritage Crates you might have missed. ALL Heritage Crates are back in the Marketplace throughout the event.
The Summer Spectacular begins at 12PM PT (noon) on July 1, 2019, and ends at 12PM PT (noon) on July 8, 2019.
I also copied their copy!

Here's the original.

Summer Time!

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It is upon us and with that , comes kids out of school, vacations to amazing destinations, and lounging around the house with your head buried in your favorite book! Magus Imperialist Magicus (MIM) is moving along nicely and is looking forward to some Gates of Discord (GoD) action. We are currently looking for new members to join our ranks and enjoy Everquest with us into the future. Here is a list of classes we are requesting.

Berserker (when GoD drops)


Warrior (will consider one if one is looking)

I shall leave you with this perfect summer time song from my friend Big Will and see you soon in game!

Recruitment Officer of MIM

Excellence in Gaming... Excellence in Community...

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Greetings members and friends,

Change. It is a constant in life. To many it can be difficult, and to others they let it flow naturally. Regardless of how well one handles it versus another, it is inevitable that in all aspects of our lives we will deal with it. That is never truer than it is in our gaming universe.

A change for the positive is our website. The home of Magus Imperialis Magicus has been given a facelift, with fresh graphics and some upgraded software and features. A calendar to announce events, whether they’re happening through the pixels on our screens, or in person with the pixels of real life. Discord integration has been introduced to our site to link your user ID’s accordingly and easily access your friends, new and old. Enhanced forum options as well, and more to come over time. A change not so public has been the management of the site. For many years, Inka has been responsible for the site, and with his own funds and hard work, he kept it running. However he requested a change in that. With the release of the incredibly restrictive new set of European privacy laws known as General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR for short), it became burdensome to continue under his watch, I agreed to take over the responsibility of the site. Only a fool would claim credit for the work being done here. The work behind the transfer of the site, the upgrades, and the maintenance of the site is shared, and I am at best a project manager helping coordinate the pieces.

So let credit be given where credit is due. Again, first with Inka for his many years of financial and personal efforts put into the site. Today he continues to advise and assist with optimizing the site in its new form. To Oberan for his part in the domain registration and site moderation over the years, which has largely come from his own pockets. To Rhysia, who upon Inka’s request helped with the transfer of the site from Inka’s servers to our new hosting, getting everything set up and running. To Grecco (Tallos) for taking over the day to day operations, upgrades, and overall administration of the site. To Valura (and more so her fiancé) for their work in our new graphics on the site. To those over the years who have contributed site moderation, news stories, or other forms of assistance, too many of you to name. And to the many members who donated funds to help with the costs of upgrading, hosting, and domain registrations for the next couple of years. This website, is not about me, or any one person. It is about a community of people, and it is all of MIM that make it what it is.

With the upgraded website, comes more change to the world of Magus Imperialis Magicus. This guild over the years has been made great by so many wonderful people. I personally share memories with many of you. I have made friends I will keep for the rest of my days. We’ve won impossible victories in our games, and we’ve been there for each other when we needed one another away from the computer screens and voice servers. Many drinks have been had, whether that's in a gaming session or actually with each other in our countless real life meet-up opportunities. MIM is more than just a name, it is more than a guild in a video game. We are a community. And because of that I am announcing the birth of Magicus Gaming.

Magicus Gaming is the future of MIM. Our new logo, present on the website, pays respect to our past, with two triangles coming together to represent the first and last M’s, with the I laying across in an off color. This logo pays respect to our name of the past, while helping us move forward. Magus Imperialis Magicus will always be our traditional guild name in gaming, but it can also be said that name may not be conducive with every genre of game, or every naming structure in games we play in the future. Magicus Gaming is more about tying together our community, and will serve as the umbrella for MIM. This allows us to honor our past days of our gaming heritage. We will live in the present as we continue to find new adventures, whether they be in a new game or even an old one, as well as away from the screens as our lives have grown and expanded. Finally we shall look towards the future by creating a brand that has flexibility for gaming and beyond. Whether that is in a game yet released, or a concept of interaction we only dream about! (The Oasis perhaps?)

The past exists in our memories, in our screenshots and texts, and in the friendships that have stood the test of time. Our present lies with all of you, as you grow your own families, and as we welcome in new members to our online one. And the future holds endless possibilities for each of us individually as well as for our community as a whole. What matters in the world of MIM is you.

I will continue, with the help of some very talented people, to keep the site going for years to come. Regardless of whether you have time to game with us now, or not, this will be the permanent home of Magicus Gaming and our guild Magus Imperialis Magicus. The work we do here however is and always will be for all of you. Many have served in leadership and helped make it successful. I am grateful for the opportunity to help serve. In truth, none of us were the key to the success of MIM. It has, and always will be about all of you.

Thank you for the many years of memories, for the support you have shown now, and for the adventures we’ll engage in ahead. May we always strive for excellence in gaming. May we always achieve excellence in community!

Best regards,

aka Dupre Ra`Mel